Right to Amend Rules:
The University reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations, whenever and wherever considered necessary and appropriate. Such amendments will be intimated to the students. Therefore, these publications and the descriptions contained herein are not to be construed as a contract binding on the University to any specific policies. Possible changes include, but are not limited to, passing requirements, eligibility criteria for examinations, fee structure, refund policy, admission cancellation policies and rules, curriculum and course content, examination pattern, policies and timelines, certification and designation, assignment pattern, examination and contact program centers and such other matters, as may be considered relevant.
- It is assumed that all students seeking admission to University programs have carefully read the prospectus and website and further agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University.
- Students submitting the admission/application form of any program/course to University are assumed to have read the rules and policies related to eligibility, provisional admission, cancellation of admission and refund of fees and disclaimers mentioned above and agree to the same, as mentioned in the admission form.
- New Program commencement shall be subjected to sufficient student enrollment.
- Students are requested to take note of SUAS Right to Amend Rules (given above) and agree to the same through this Undertaking.
- No donation or capitation fee is charged for admission to any course at Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences.
All disputes between the applicant/student and the University including any dispute relating to purchase of application form, payment of fees, refund of fees, admission, examination, certification, etc. shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of Indore Courts only.