29 Feb 2020

Industry Visit Eicher Truck

The School of BFSI, Symbiosis University of Applied Science, organized the Industrial Visit for the students of MBA Semester II to Eicher Trucks and Buses Ltd, Pithampur on 29th Feb. 2020.

Objective of the Visit: The visit is organized so that the students learn about project management, process flow, human resource accounting and operating part of a manufacturing unit with respect to leather processing and conversion from Raw to Final material.

The visit to Eicher Trucks and Buses Ltd., plant was an excellent learning experience for the MBA (BFSI) II SEM students as they have learned lot of things related to their subjects and had a new exposure towards commercial vehicle industry along with process of manufacturing of finished product.

Eicher Motors Limited is an Indian manufacturer of motorcycles and commercial vehicles. Eicher is the parent company of Royal Enfield, a manufacturer of middleweight motorcycles. In addition to motorcycles, Eicher has a joint venture with Sweden’s AB Volvo – Volvo Eicher Commercial Vehicles Limited.