Symbiosis Indore Student Development Program
12 Apr 2019

Student Development Program

Student Development Program

At Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences Indore, the School of BFSI conducted a student development programme Business Simulation: A Management game jointly organized with All India Management Association (AIMA) on 3rd & 4th April, 2019. The programmed was inaugurated by the Honorable Vice Chancellor, SUAS, Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Deputy Director of AIMA Mr. S. C. Tyagi, Dean Academics Dr. Anil Bisen and Director School of BFSI Dr. Prafulla Ranjan. The purpose of program was realistic and enjoyable learning experience for the students as well to provide them with hands on training and experiential learning via use of Business Simulation, where student actually managed a multi million company and erudite technique for developing, testing, and evaluating business strategies in a virtual business environment before committing real money and efforts in the marketplace.

With the help of latest computer technology, state-of-the-art business simulations students from SUAS learned to manage hundreds of variables simultaneously along with dealing with realistic variables in multi-faceted environment.

Ninety Two (92) students in 23 teams from SUAS participated in this program. In introductory session Deputy Director of AIMA Mr. S.C. Tyagi and Dr. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor, SBFSI, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore explained about the simulation, and provided hands-on training on the use of proprietary software “Chanakya” and explained the role of position in simulation.

To simplify and to provide an exposure a realistic case-study was presented to the students for simulation, it continued for 2 days divided into 5 quarters thereby giving students the taste of real-life challenges involved in Managing Business. At every quarter new rules and conditions were introduced so as to present dynamism of business environment. At the end of fifth quarter top 4 teams from each group were selected to participating in 2 days National competition on Business Simulation.

From this simulation students got to learn per unit costing, cash flow, budgeting, pricing of products as well as the team building, decision making and fine-points of forecasting. This kind of simulation plays a vital role in understanding the financial implications of the decisions taken.